What to do in an Active Shooter Situation

This is an unpleasant topic, but it is one that must be addressed. There were 693 mass shooting events in the USA in 2021. There were 20,726 gun related deaths in 2021. The fact is that, there is a chance you will experience gun violence at some point in your life. For your sake, and the sake of your children, let’s explore what to do if you are ever in this terrible situation.

The Profile of an Active Shooter

An Active Shooter is a person actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and crowded location; in most cases, active shooters utilize weapons, and there is no discernible pattern or technique to their victim selection.

Active shooter scenarios are unpredictable and rapidly evolving. Typically, the immediate deployment of law enforcement is necessary to halt a shooting and mitigate victim harm.

Because active shooter events typically end 10 to 15 minutes before law enforcement reaches the scene, people must be psychologically and physically prepared to deal with an active shooter situation.

Practical Actions to Take

● Be mindful of your surroundings and any threats.

● Observe the two closest exits in every facility you visit.

● If you are in an office, you should remain and lock the door.

● If you are in a corridor, enter a room and lock the door.

● Attempt to disable the gunman as a final option. When the shooter is at close range and unable to flee or hide, your chances of survival are significantly increased if you attempt to hinder them.


The Three Essential Steps


If there is an available escape route, try to evacuate the premises immediately:

● Pay close attention to your environment.

● Become familiar with the building’s exits.

● Attempt to escape in the opposite direction of the shooter.

● If authorities accompany you, you should not discuss or challenge the chosen escape routes.


If evacuation is not possible, select a safe hiding spot where the gunman will be less likely to discover you:

● Barricade a room that can be locked and protected with desks, cabinets, tables, etc.

● Dim the lights

● Remain silent and out of sight; seek cover behind another locked door if feasible.


Attempt interrupting or incapacitating the active shooter only as a last resort and when your life is in immediate danger.

● Avoid standing precisely behind the door you are hiding behind or in its route.

● Position yourself physically to surprise the shooter if they gain access to your room.

● As a final resort, attempt to disarm the shooter (take the gun); cooperate with coworkers and strike the shooter with any available weapons.

How to Respond when Law Enforcement Arrives

They are there to bring down the gunman as quickly as possible. They will go straight to the scene where the last rounds were fired, where they heard them.

● Regular patrol clothes can be replaced with bulletproof vests, Kevlar helmets, and other tactical gear.

● Officers may use rifles, shotguns, and pistols.

● To maintain control, officers may employ pepper spray or tear gas.

● People may be pushed to the ground for their protection by police officers.

● Keep quiet and obey any directions given to you by a police officer.

● Drop everything you’re holding (i.e., bags, jackets)

● As soon as possible, raise your arms and stretch your fingers wide.

● At all times, keep your hands visible.

● When approaching police officers, avoid making any sudden actions, such as attempting to grab hold of them for safety.

● Do not scream, point, or otherwise make a loud noise.

● Don’t ask officers for help or guidance when evacuating; walk in the direction the officers are coming in.

Information to Provide Law Enforcement Officer or 911 Operator

● The shooter’s current location

● If there are many shooters, how many are there?

● Shooter’s physical characteristics (s)

● The shooter’s arsenal, in terms of both quantity and type (s)

● There are a large number of people who could be prospective victims on this site

The first officers who arrive at the incident will assist injured individuals. Expect additional officers and emergency medical workers to join the initial officers to form rescue teams. These rescue crews will treat and evacuate injured individuals and may also request assistance from able-bodied folks in removing the injured from the scene.

Once you reach a secure location or assembly point, law authorities will likely hold you until the situation is controlled and all witnesses have been located and interrogated. Do not leave the safe place or assembly point until told to do so by law enforcement officials.

We hope you never have to experience an active shooter event, but if you do then we hope this information will help you make it out unharmed.

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