Wee Wons Blog


Back-to-School: A Guide for Parents of Young Children

  Back to school As summer days fade into the backdrop of fall, parents everywhere are faced with the exciting yet sometimes daunting task of preparing their young children for a new school year. Whether your little one is heading to preschool, kindergarten, or beyond, the transition back to school

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Teaching Young Children About Finances: A Guide for Parents

  As parents, we play a crucial role in shaping our children’s financial habits and attitudes. Instilling the value of money and teaching them basic financial skills from a young age can set them on the path to financial responsibility and success. In this blog post, we will explore some

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Asian child does not like to eat vegetables and refuse to eat healthy vegetables

Building Healthy Habits for Young Children in the New Year

As we kick off a new year, it is an opportune time to reflect on how we can help young children develop and maintain healthy habits. At Wee Wons, our mission extends beyond providing exceptional childcare; we strive to instill lifelong habits that promote well-being and success. In this blog

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Overcoming the Terrible Twos

The “terrible twos” is a phrase often used to describe a challenging phase in a child’s development, characterized by frequent tantrums and emotional outbursts. While this stage can be overwhelming for parents, it is important to remember that it is a normal part of a child’s growth and cognitive development.

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When Your Child Can’t Sleep

Sleeping Issues Among Children A good night’s sleep is essential for the health and well-being of our children. It helps them stay alert during school, build healthy relationships with friends and family members, perform better academically, and develop physically too. But what exactly is normal sleep? For most children between

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10 Ways to Teach Better Manners

Manners are simple social rules that everyone needs to develop. They make life easier for everyone, and teach us how to act when we’re in someone else’s home or with people we know less well than ourselves. Here are 10 great ways to teach your children the importance of good

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Nurturing Growth: Programs Aligned with Your Child’s Age

Quality Child Care Programs in Pocono Pines & Scotrun, PA

Start Your Child’s Journey of Joy and Growth with Us